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Honwhy Wang


/ 8 min read

在学习JDK的源码过程中我遇到了一些有趣有用的方法,在此之前如果要使用这些工具方法,我首先会想到的是commons-langguava这样的语言扩展包,但现在如果是写一些demo,使用原生即可达到目的。当然我们也不能否认它们的作用,在平时的工作项目中几乎都会引入这些语言扩展包,直接使用他们也使得编程风格统一,而且还能够对低版本的JDK提供支持。 以下收集的代码片段可能会逐渐增加,也可能不会。



public static boolean equals(Object var0, Object var1) {
return var0 == var1 || var0 != null && var0.equals(var1);
public static int hashCode(Object var0) {
return var0 != null ? var0.hashCode() : 0;
public static <T> T requireNonNull(T var0) {
if (var0 == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
} else {
return var0;
public static <T> T requireNonNull(T var0, String var1) {
if (var0 == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(var1);
} else {
return var0;


  • 定义为final class
  • 只定义一个无参的构造函数且抛出断言错误,防止被反射调用
  • 工具方法都是静态方法
  • 静态方法中只抛出unchecked异常


这个最早应该是在Hello World程序中见到的,推荐它的一个方法

* Returns the same hash code for the given object as
* would be returned by the default method hashCode(),
* whether or not the given object's class overrides
* hashCode().
* The hash code for the null reference is zero.
* @param x object for which the hashCode is to be calculated
* @return the hashCode
* @since JDK1.1
public static native int identityHashCode(Object x);




* Returns x's Class if it is of the form "class C implements
* Comparable<C>", else null.
static Class<?> comparableClassFor(Object x) {
if (x instanceof Comparable) {
Class<?> c; Type[] ts, as; Type t; ParameterizedType p;
if ((c = x.getClass()) == String.class) // bypass checks
return c;
if ((ts = c.getGenericInterfaces()) != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < ts.length; ++i) {
if (((t = ts[i]) instanceof ParameterizedType) &&
((p = (ParameterizedType)t).getRawType() ==
Comparable.class) &&
(as = p.getActualTypeArguments()) != null &&
as.length == 1 && as[0] == c) // type arg is c
return c;
return null;


public class ParameterApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
StringList list = new StringList();
Class<?> clazz = getTypeArgument(list);
static Class<?> getTypeArgument(Object x) {
if (x instanceof Collection) {
Class<?> c = x.getClass();
Type[] ts, as; Type t; ParameterizedType p;
if ((ts = c.getGenericInterfaces()) != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < ts.length; ++i) {
if (((t = ts[i]) instanceof ParameterizedType) &&
((as = ((ParameterizedType)t).getActualTypeArguments()) != null)
as.length == 1) // type arg is c
return (Class<?>) as[0];
return null;
static class StringList extends AbstractList<String> implements List<String> {
public String get(int i) {
return null;
public int size() {
return 0;



public static native Class<?> getCallerClass();


public static Connection getConnection(String url,
String user, String password) throws SQLException {
java.util.Properties info = new java.util.Properties();
if (user != null) {
info.put("user", user);
if (password != null) {
info.put("password", password);
return (getConnection(url, info, Reflection.getCallerClass()));

Reflection.getCallerClass()是一个native方法,返回的是Class<?>类型,在DriverManager中使用它的目的是为了获得相应的ClassLoader,上面的代码是在Java 8中见到的。其中在Java 7中为获得ClassLoaderDriverManager就直接提供了native的方法

/* Returns the caller's class loader, or null if none */
private static native ClassLoader getCallerClassLoader();


public class CalleeApp {
public void call() {
Class<?> clazz = Reflection.getCallerClass();
System.out.println("Hello " + clazz);
public class CallerApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CalleeApp app = new CalleeApp();
Caller1 c1 = new Caller1();;
static class Caller1 {
void run(CalleeApp calleeApp) {
if (calleeApp == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("callee can not be null");


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.InternalError: CallerSensitive annotation expected at frame 1

这个错误信息说的是我们缺少在函数调用栈开始位置添加CallerSensitive注解,观察DriverManagergetConnection方法确实是有这么个注解的。 那如果给CalleeAppcall加上注解,那结果又会怎样呢?

Object.wait(long timeout, int nanos)


* <p>
* This method is similar to the {@code wait} method of one
* argument, but it allows finer control over the amount of time to
* wait for a notification before giving up. The amount of real time,
* measured in nanoseconds, is given by:
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* 1000000*timeout+nanos</pre></blockquote>
* <p>

意思是提供精细化的时间衡量,nano可是纳秒单位啊!!! 而它的实现却是这样的,

public final void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException {
if (timeout < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative");
if (nanos < 0 || nanos > 999999) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"nanosecond timeout value out of range");
if (nanos > 0) {



在此之前使用Base64工具可能需要引入apache commons等jar包,Java 8开始集成到JDK中了。

String message = "H for Hope!";
byte[] encoded = Base64.getEncoder().encode(message.getBytes());
System.out.println(new String(encoded));
byte decoded[] = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encoded);
System.out.println(new String(decoded));
